Dementia and Friends: Finding Joy in the Journey


Can the words “joy” and “dementia” be found together?


Of course they can if you know where to find them.


Being involved with a person who has dementia is like a journey without a  map or GPS.  You travel from Point A to Point B and the road was just a little bumpy. When you start from Point B to Point C, there’s no telling what you will find or how long it will take.  Lady-Links want to make the journey as pleasant as possible by forming a connection with each dear friend to make traveling easier. Those connections, whether through shared childhood memories or specifically selected activities, create a link between the discouragement the disease brings and the hope that meaningful times are still possible.  The word for that connection is JOY, and it can be found throughout the entire journey when a Lady-Link rides along.

There is JOY when one of our dear friends adds the finishing touch to a craft and smiles.


There is JOY when another dear friend says a few words about an early childhood event she remembers after being prompted by something we said or showed her.


There is JOY when we see our dear friends respond to their favorite music or game.

Music smiles

JOY is given and received between our dear friends and the Lady-Links at every visit.  We’ve learned to embrace those moments and cherish them because we know that they are precious.

Laughing fun

Want more JOY in your life?  Choose to visit a friend or loved one with dementia.  You’ll find JOY in what you’re doing and you’ll be bringing JOY to the one you visit.


The more JOY you share, the more peace you’ll have in your life.  It just happens to work that way!


Here’s wishing you a JOYFUL JOURNEY from all of us at Lady-Links.

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