Newsletter for September 9, 2013

  • Have you noticed how much our friend is participating, smiling, laughing, and communicating during your Lady-Link visits?  Our love and laughter-filled visits are enriching her life in many ways.  And that’s not just our opinion!  Assist Guide Information Services, a partner with the National Alzheimer’s Foundation, has posted on their website, , a list of benefits people with Alzheimer’s receive from activities.  Some of these include enjoy happier daily life, increase feelings of self-worth, maintain memory, enhance and maintain communication skills, improve and increase personal relationships,  and reduce nervous tension,  behaviors and wandering.  You are making a significant difference in our friend’s life.
  • We’ve added another activity….singing!  The Tuesday Lady-Links introduced singing at their last visit, and our friend participated with great enthusiasm.  In fact, she knew most of the words to patriotic songs like Yankee Doodle and fun songs like Row, Row, Row Your Boat.  At Friday’s visit, our friend initiated singing and dancing by putting on a Perry Como CD (we helped a little with volume adjustment) and she began singing the words.  We joined in and soon it turned into a Dancing with the Stars moment!  Our friend loves ballroom dancing and even twirled her partners.  With all the singing, dancing, and exercising, plus activities such as flower arranging, card painting and card playing, you will find that the hour goes quickly.  Remember, just pick and choose what works best for our friend.  The goal is to engage her in activities that she enjoys, not to accomplish any given number of projects.
  • We have seen great progress in our friend’s acceptance of new activities.  Friday will be a milestone for us if we can accomplish what we are going to try.  After we have enjoyed a few activities around the kitchen table, we will attempt to leave the apartment and go to the Multipurpose Room to exercise, dance, and roll large beach balls from one person to another.  This will be of great benefit to her overall health if she can do this.
  • I hope you have reserved Wednesday, September 25th on your calendar for our Link-up.  Bring your lunch (or if you’re not eating, just bring yourself) to the Private Dining Room at 11:45.  We will begin our meeting at noon and it will last until 1:30 p.m.  Our Link-up will include an opportunity for you to share your concerns, joys, blessings, hopes, insights and thoughts.  Dennie will provide an update.
  • Lady-Links visit scheduled on Tues., Sept. 10 at 2:30 p.m.
  • Lady-Links  visit scheduled  on Fri., Sept. 13 at 10:00 a.m.
  • Comments or questions?  It’s easy…just email us at or check out our website at or connect with Lady-Links on Facebook.

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