Lady-Links: Sounds of Christmas

Christmas Music 1We look forward each year to changing our song sheets from our usual music to Christmas music at our visits with our dear friend who was once a music teacher.  She has the bells and has taught us how to use them.  Our weekly visits to her are filled with lots of laughter because we enjoy this so much.  It doesn’t matter if we strike the bell at the wrong time or sing out of tune….we are making a “joyful noise” and having fun doing it.

Christmas Music 4

It seems that the month of December finds us all in good spirits, ready for a special time.  The Christmas carols and holiday songs add to the festivities of the season, and are something we look forward to with great anticipation.

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Our dear friend is excellent at what she does…playing the piano and leading our efforts as we strike the bells and sing.

Christmas Music 6

Music and Christmas.  Plenty of opportunities to share the love and laughter that so easily flows during our Lady-Links visits.

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