Lady-Links: Girl Time, Tea Time

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A pot of tea, a laugh or two

Special times, shared with you.

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Remember having tea parties when you were a girl?  We would get our dolls together around a little table and serve them “tea” from tiny tea cups!  We pretended we were fancy ladies at a tea party, and we would let our imaginations guide our afternoon of fun.  Those were the kinds of memories we shared with our dear friends when we made crafts with a teapot design.  These dear friends live in our retirement community and are in various stages of cognitive decline. We visit them once a week engaging them in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete.

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The Lady-Links delight in engaging our dear friends in activities that inspire conversation, shared memories, and laughter.  This teapot craft was great for doing just that!

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Following instructions, one step at a time, helps our dear friends with their cognitive functioning and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they see the finished product. We always have a completed craft to use as a guide and reference point. With each of our dear friends, we keep their skills and abilities in mind when choosing the craft or the activity.  As a result, our visits are enjoyable for all of us!

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Tea for two…or three…or four….but no more!  We visit in groups of two or three as we don’t want to overwhelm our dear friends with too many people.  Is there a “dear friend” in your life?  Why not share a cup of tea with that person while you visit?  Just remember to include plenty of love and laughter when you do!


  1. Mimi ONeill says

    Get pictures and story, so interesting and fun to read. Thanks everyone!

  2. Mimi ONeill says

    Great pictures and story, so interesting and fun to read. Thanks everyone!

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