Lady-Links: Kitchen Keepers

Utensils 2What kitchen tools did you use when you first learned to cook?  We had a great time with one of our dear friends looking at various items from “then” and “now” and sharing memories of early kitchen experiences.

Kitchen Pot Holders

As girls, one of the first things we did was to make our own pot holders.  We used a loom to weave these colorful creations, saving some for us and using others as gifts to aunts and grandmothers.

Kitchen Mother's Recipe

Most of our recipes came from our mothers, and some of us still have those treasured hand-written ones from long ago.

Kitchen SiftOther recipes came from our homemaking classes, a required subject “back in the day.”  Remember when we used to sift all the “dry” ingredients?  Not sure that anyone does that any more!

Kitchen Cookbook

When we do these Show and Tell visits, we never know what fun facts we will discover.  It was such a delight realizing that our dear friend and the two Lady-Links who visited her that day were all college graduates with degrees in Home Economics.  What a connection or “link” as we Lady-Links like to say!!

Kitchen Antiques

What do you have in your kitchen that you might take the next time you visit your friend or loved one with dementia?  You never know what memories you may “stir up” or conversations you may encourage with a little help from your kitchen keepers!



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