Lady-Links: Crafts with a Message

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Our craft visits to our dear friends with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia serve several purposes.

  • There’s the satisfaction of  being a part of a team, completing a project that will bring delight to those who receive our crafts.
  • There’s an opportunity for conversation and shared memories inspired by the craft we’re making.
  • There’s the ability to maintain fine motor skills while placing the pieces of the craft together.

Although teamwork, sharing, and working creatively with our hands are all very important, perhaps the most meaningful purpose of our visits with our dear friends is this last point:

  • There’s the benefit of encouragement that comes from reading the message and applying it to our lives regardless of circumstances.

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All of our faith-based crafts are distributed to residents during our vespers or chapel services.  They bring hope to hurting hearts, joy to those in need, and love to those who need a friend.  Messages are meaningful even to those who are strong in their faith as they reinforce their beliefs, providing encouragement to hold fast to that which is helpful and relevant.

20161025_161733As Lady-Links, we want our visits to be encouraging to our dear friends wherever they are in their journey with dementia.  We find ways to apply these messages and to count our blessings.  We let our dear friends know how much we enjoy spending time with them.  We help them feel a measure of success as we create crafts that look good and will be a blessing to others.  We are great listeners, providing our dear friends with the opportunity to share memories that are special to them.   Some of our most cherished blessings are the friendships we’ve made with our dear friends and with each other. 

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The Lady-Links add plenty of love and laughter to the messages they bring.  As a result, everyone feels valued, supported and encouraged.


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