Lady-Links: Celebrating Christmas

Christmas 1
Lady-Links celebrate Christmas and the holiday season each year with a party.  Included guests are our Dear Friends and their spouse or family, our Lady-Links and their spouses, and staff members from our retirement community.  The purpose is to celebrate the season with an event keeping in mind what our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline will enjoy.  We include delicious refreshments, making ornaments and singing familiar songs within a time frame of one hour.  This makes for a stress-free, delightful time that benefits everyone.

Christmas 6

Christmas 5Christmas 4Christmas 3Enjoying Refreshments

Christmas 15

Christmas 16

Christmas 17

Making ornaments to distribute to the residents in our memory care and assisted living neighborhoods.

Christmas 30

Christmas 2

Christmas 34

Christmas 33

Christmas 32

Christmas 18

Christmas 31

Christmas 27

Christmas 22

Christmas 29

Christmas 21

Christmas 19

Christmas 20

Christmas 26

Singing familiar Christmas carols and holiday songs.

Christmas 12Christmas 11Christmas 10

A picture of our Dear Friends and their Lady-Links who were in attendance.

Christmas 23

Awarding Lady-Links pins to our newest members.

Christmas 24Taking a special moment to recognize the husband of our very first dear friend whom we lost several years ago.  He has continued to support and encourage our Lady-Links program and hosts our Christmas party each year. We are grateful for his encouragement and for his leadership in our community’s Alzheimer’s awareness events.

Christmas 25

In memory of our first Dear Friend.  It was for this precious lady that Lady-Links started.


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