Lady-Links: Music Helps Soothe the Soul and the Storm

We’re still in the storm brought on by the coronavirus, and our Lady-Links visits to our dear friends continue to be on hold. But we know that in the midst of this “storm” we can find flowers that bloom, birds that sing, and gorgeous sunsets that give us the assurance that we’ll get through all this. Life will go on.

During this “holding” pattern,  we continue to reach out to our dear friends through their families as well as to our Lady-Links partners and others in our community.  As a result, we’ve received phone calls from several people asking for suggestions for activities that can be easily done at home with those in various stages of cognitive decline. Based on our six years of experience of visiting our dear friends, we’ve found that MUSIC is something that brings joy to everyone involved.  It takes very little preparation, and there are many ways to share music with everyone in the household.


Do you remember watching TV in the early 1960’s to a program called “Sing Along with Mitch” and watching the bouncing ball as it traveled across the words of the song flashed on the bottom of the screen?  Our family did that, and everyone enjoyed it.  You can still do that, maybe minus the bouncing ball, but you get the idea.  (Or actually, you can find “Sing Along with Mitch” programs if you do a search on the internet.)  You don’t need Mitch…just be sure you select songs that are favorites of your “dear friend” or loved one, put on the music and watch what happens!  They will begin singing along, completely engaged in the activity.

Also, Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Andy Williams, Perry Como….think back to the music of the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s for your choices.


Who can resist a good beat?  We all love to clap, sway, tap our toes and even dance!


If you are blessed with musical instruments, gather around and make some noise! We had fun playing Chopsticks at one of our visits several years ago and singing with our dear friend as she played the piano.


Put on some upbeat patriotic music and march or wave flags.

There are many ways to incorporate music into your daily routine and, when you do,  you’ll soon find yourself on the “Sunny Side of the Street.”


Lady-Links… bringing sunshine with them even as they shelter at home.





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