Lady-Links: Answering the Call

Hello!  Just called to say I’m thinking about you.

When we look for character qualities in women who would make good Lady-Links, we want to find examples of compassion and kindness in their lives.  Since our purpose is to visit women in our retirement community who are in various stages of dementia and engage them in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete, Lady-Links have to be more than just compassionate and kind.  Lady-Links have to be flexible, friendly, and know how to have fun.  At the same time, they have to be accomplished at making adjustments when needed.  In other words, Lady-Links are capable, strong women with a servant’s heart.  They want to be helpful regardless of the circumstances.  Such is the case while we are facing the COVID-19 restrictions.  We are unable to make in-person visits to our dear friends at the present time, but that hasn’t stopped our Lady-Links from keeping connected to them through cards and notes as well as reaching out to help others in our community whenever a need arises.

So……instead of focusing on what we didn’t have or couldn’t do….we used our skills and resources to help where we could.

Our community organized a Comfort Care Calling Tree to make encouraging phone calls to those neighbors who would benefit from hearing a friendly voice during this time of Shelter in Home restrictions.  Many of our Lady-Links were quick to volunteer.

These phone calls are cheerful and positive, and a great encouragement during this time of uncertainty.  Comforting calls provide a sense of togetherness and care, and our Lady-Links are naturals at doing this.

A need for masks became apparent in our community, and our Lady-Links were counted among those who volunteered to sew them.  This required hours of work, at a rushed pace, since the need was urgent and great.

Keeping an attitude of “knowing how to have joy despite the circumstances” our Lady-Links introduced fabrics with special messages such as “Over Fifty and Fabulous” on a portion of the masks.  Others had a patriotic theme or were colorful and cheerful.

The Lady-Links looked at this “extra” time while confined to our apartments as an opportunity rather than a problem.  Extra time was seen as a “gift” to get something new done.  One of our Lady-Links used skeins of yarn she had for several years just sitting in a closet to crochet headbands that will be given to those in need this winter.  She reached out to a non-profit organization in our local area that serves the poor and homeless communities who will distribute these much needed headbands when cold weather arrives. What a wonderful way to use her time, resources and skills.

Other Lady-Links are using the “extra” time to work on family projects, creating meaningful memories that will be treasured for years to come.  An example is this quilt one of our Lady-Links is making for her granddaughters, with the Night Before Christmas theme.  Each square has between 40,000 to 55,000 machine stitches per square. What a labor of love.

Another Lady-Link is making computer-generated photo books from pictures that have been in her phone for years.  A gift that her entire family will enjoy.

Many Lady-Links wanted to show appreciation to the employees in our retirement community who have taken on extra responsibilities such as meal and mail delivery to our apartments.  One Lady-Link created this lovely banner to hang above her door.  Others displayed hearts on their doors inscribed with thank you messages so they could be easily seen by any staff members making deliveries or doing the extra cleaning and sanitizing that is done daily.

Another Lady-Link is sharing the zinnias from her garden, telling her neighbors to help themselves.  If they are unable to venture out to the garden area, she will make a bouquet and deliver, maintaining social distancing, knowing how fresh flowers bring such joy in difficult times.

The neighbor of one of our Lady-Links passed away.  Since we were under our governor’s order of not leaving home, that Lady-Link realized that many people would like to send a sympathy card but were restricted from going to the store to buy one.  She organized a bulletin board giving her neighbors an opportunity to write notes of sympathy and attach them there.  She placed that bulletin board in the hallway where it could be easily seen when the spouse who lost his wife opened his door.  What a great neighborly effort that showed kindness and compassion when needed, and it was a practical solution for those who didn’t have sympathy cards and were unable to get them.

Since our Lady-Links in-person visits were suspended due to COVID-19, each Lady-Link is sending a cheerful note or card to her dear friend each week.  In addition, an occasional note is sent to husbands of our dear friends expressing appreciation for their ongoing dedication to caregiving during this time of no visitors and restricted activities.  This has prompted many Lady-Links to write notes of encouragement to others in our community who need a cheerfully written message.

Lady-Links know that to take care of others, we must also take care of ourselves.  When talking with the Lady-Links by phone or with texts or emails during this time of Shelter at Home, we agreed that having a routine, doing things we enjoy, using our creative side, and keeping cognitively alert was important.  Here’s how some of the Lady-Links are using their time to stay active mentally, physically, and emotionally at home.


The Lady-Links are ready to answer the call ….why?…..because we care.

We care about you, we care about our families, we care about our neighbors and our community, and we care about ourselves.

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