Lady-Links: Linking from Home COVID Style

The Lady-Links don’t give up!  When COVID brought about restrictions on in-person and group events, we knew that we would find a way to continue to “link” to our dear friends, those ladies in our community with various types of cognitive decline.  Although each small group craft event was successful and followed all the health and safety guidelines, still we felt that another alternative needed to be offered.  That’s where the idea originated for “Linking from Home.”

All the Lady-Links wanted to stay connected with our dear friends during COVID but some were hesitant about working in a group setting.  The “Linking from Home” component was a great solution to keep everyone involved.  It just required a few extra steps.

Step #1 – The supplies and instructions for making the craft and an envelope with a colorful label for use in sending to the dear friend are delivered to the hallway shelf of each Lady-Link’s home who has chosen the “Linking from Home” component.

Step #2 – The Lady-Link completes the craft for her dear friend while being able to stay in her own home.

Step #3 – When finished, the Lady-Link puts the craft in the envelope and returns it to her shelf where it is picked up and delivered to her dear friend.

Step #4 – Being thankful for the many opportunities we have to stay linked to our dear friends, whether from home or from a small group setting, bringing joy to them and to each of us.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Lady-Links

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