Lady-Links: Celebrating Mardi Gras, COVID Style

Our Mardi Gras celebration was different this year, due to COVID restrictions.  The Lady-Links had a choice…be disappointed that we couldn’t have our usual party and community-wide dinner or be thankful that we had alternative ways in which to celebrate.  We decided to CHOOSE JOY and be grateful for what we could do, and not focus on what we couldn’t do.  We celebrated individually with shelf and door decorations, watching a local in-house television production on the origins of Mardi Gras, and by sending encouraging notes and cards to our dear friends.

The Mardi Gras program by way of our in-house TV studio was fun as the Lady-Links and our dear friends, as well as others in our community, could feel a sense of connection as we celebrated together via the airwaves!

Our dear friends enjoyed it all…even though it was modified so that we celebrated individually in our homes, but the JOY was there!

Some of our past Mardi Gras celebrations provide us with great memories.  We look forward to the time we’re past COVID and can resume visits to all our dear friends.

In the meantime, we are celebrating as best as we can with JOY, and finding ways to continue to bring love and laughter to our dear friends.


  1. Fern Sigafoos. says

    Thank You Dennie!
    You are a blessing to so many here at Highland Springs :
    This group of ladies and our Dear friends are such a blessing !

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