Lady-Links: Coloring Shows We Care

Remember when we were kids how much fun we had coloring?  Well….coloring isn’t just for kids anymore!  Adults are enjoying coloring more than ever…studies show it brings a calmness and a sense of creative purpose…and when you’re a Lady-Link and you combine the benefits that coloring brings to you plus the benefits it will bring when your “masterpiece” is in the form of a “thinking of you” card that is received by someone you care about….well what could be better? Our cards were colored with love and laughter, designed for our dear friends…those ladies in our retirement community who are in various stages of cognitive decline.

The Lady-Links met on two separate days to enjoy coloring cards with flower designs that were created by one of our community’s resident artists.  We laughed, we shared stories, we reminisced, and we colored to our heart’s content!  A special treat was when our resident artist made a surprise visit to see what fun we were having with her cards!

She encouraged us to have fun, be creative, and enjoy the moment!  We did, knowing that this was a special opportunity to relax and be “a kid” again.

Coloring the cards was such fun, and the preparation ahead of time helped our events go smoothly.  We made flower labels for the envelopes so our “flower theme” would be complete.

Since we were making a “thinking of you” card, we wanted to have ideas available for the message for the inside of each card. Every Lady-Link chose her own encouraging saying, making it personal for her dear friend.

The results were amazing….flowers in every color imaginable, each adorning a very special card with a message of encouragement.  We know that our dear friends will enjoy them.

Lady-Links….we color because we care!

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