Lady-Links: Adding Richness to Our Lives through Friendships

Jewel card 4Lady-Links recognize the importance of friendships.  That’s what the visits to our dear friends in cognitive decline are about…friendship.  We know that having a good friend is something to be treasured, and we truly value the friendship bonds we have with our dear friends.

Jewel card 2

Recently, we made cards with a friendship theme at our Lady-Links crafts visits. These cards will be distributed in the assisted living and memory care section of our community.    This gave us an opportunity to help our dear friends in cognitive decline realize that they were extending friendship to those residents who needed “a friend.”

Jewel card 3

The front of the card reads “Friends are like Jewels” and has two “jewels” affixed to it.  With our dear friends, we talked about why “jewels” are valued and how that applies to friendship.  The card was signed “Your Lady-Links Friends.”  Our dear friends know they are a part of our Lady-Links program, and it helps them feel connected to a group effort that benefits others.

Jewel card 5The inside of the card reads “They add richness to our lives.”  Then the blessing reads “May you continue to grow rich from the friendships you treasure.”  Part of our conversation while making these cards included memories of some of our treasured friendships that we had when we were children.We discussed games we played, sleep-overs we attended, birthday parties we enjoyed, and secrets we shared with our “best” friends.    Some of us still keep in touch with friends from “back in the day.”

Jewel card 1Helping our dear friend realize that she was making a card that would be a blessing to someone else was a way to make her feel valued.   She felt she was contributing to the happiness of others and, in doing so, was being a good friend.

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Linking Love through Friendships is what Lady-Links are all about.  May you find ways to encourage your friends and loved ones in cognitive decline by letting them know how much you continue to value their friendship.

Lady-Links: From Rocks to Rock ‘n Roll

Rocks 2

Our Show and Tell visits with our dear friends are always so much fun.  “You never know what you’re gonna get” but you can be assured that it will spark interest!  Two Lady-Links visit at a time with our dear friends for Show and Tell, and the Lady-Links don’t coordinate what they will bring.  That makes it a surprise for everyone and adds an element of mystery regarding what will be shown next.

Recently, the Show and Tell visit included a rock collection and a rock ‘n roll collection!

Rock Roll 2

From rocks to Rock ‘n Roll…that made for some very enjoyable comments, memories and lots of laughs.

Rock Roll 3

Rocks 3

The Lady-Links incorporate these three tips in our visits when showing an item to a person with any type of cognitive decline:

  1.  Safety – Items should be safe to handle and of an appropriate size and weight so that if dropped won’t cause injury.
  2.  Senses – Items that appeal to more than just the visual sense will help with cognition.  If possible, the item should be something the dear friend can hold or touch or perhaps even smell or hear.  (Listening to music is a great activity.)
  3.  Sentiment – Choose an item that will have possible meaning in the life of your dear one. Think of what might have been popular or of value when your dear one was a child or young adult.

Rocks 1

What collections do you have that your friends or loved ones with dementia might enjoy seeing?  You never know what memories or conversation you might inspire until you try!

Lady-Links: Kitchen Keepers

Utensils 2What kitchen tools did you use when you first learned to cook?  We had a great time with one of our dear friends looking at various items from “then” and “now” and sharing memories of early kitchen experiences.

Kitchen Pot Holders

As girls, one of the first things we did was to make our own pot holders.  We used a loom to weave these colorful creations, saving some for us and using others as gifts to aunts and grandmothers.

Kitchen Mother's Recipe

Most of our recipes came from our mothers, and some of us still have those treasured hand-written ones from long ago.

Kitchen SiftOther recipes came from our homemaking classes, a required subject “back in the day.”  Remember when we used to sift all the “dry” ingredients?  Not sure that anyone does that any more!

Kitchen Cookbook

When we do these Show and Tell visits, we never know what fun facts we will discover.  It was such a delight realizing that our dear friend and the two Lady-Links who visited her that day were all college graduates with degrees in Home Economics.  What a connection or “link” as we Lady-Links like to say!!

Kitchen Antiques

What do you have in your kitchen that you might take the next time you visit your friend or loved one with dementia?  You never know what memories you may “stir up” or conversations you may encourage with a little help from your kitchen keepers!



Lady-Links: Music Straight to Our Hearts

Music FV 3 (2)

We enjoy our visits with our dear friend who previously was a middle school music teacher and gave private piano lessons to people of all ages.  Our visits used to include five or six Lady-Links gathered around her Steinway piano playing the resonator bells, using the sheet music she prepared for us. We played old favorites and  Christmas and holiday songs, singing and harmonizing while our dear friend accompanied us on her piano.   Those are wonderful memories for us that we treasure.   However, we’ve realized that sometimes change is needed in the way we structure our Lady-Links visits.  
Music smiles
Music group holding chimes

Such is the nature of Alzheimer’s, a progressive neurological disease that requires change in the way we do things.  With our Lady-Links visits, we have chosen  to embrace change and make adjustments that will continue to enrich the lives of our dear friends.

Music FV 6

Music FV 4 (2)

In her new setting with the necessary changes we’ve incorporated,  we continue to enjoy her amazing piano skills and the variety of music that she entertains us with from the classics to an impromptu rendition of Chopsticks!  We don’t need the resonator bells, their pages of sheet music, and the amount of Lady-Links required to cover the sequence of notes.  All we need is our dear friend, her new electric piano and a few of us to have a delightful musical afternoon.

Music FV 5

What matters most is that our dear friend is engaged in an activity she enjoys and can successfully accomplish.

There’s a saying that summarizes how we feel when we visit this dear friend,

“Music is a piece of art that goes in the ears straight to the heart.” 

Music FV 2 (2)

Music, love and laughter have joined our hearts together and all our lives are enriched as a result.

Lady-Links: Hello Summer

Summer Card 4

Making greeting cards with a summertime theme was a great way to spend a summer afternoon with our dear friend.  Our “Hello Summer” cards will be given to residents in the Memory Care and Assisted Living areas of our retirement community just to let them know we’re thinking of them.

Summer Card 2

Making the cards was an enjoyable visit for our Lady-Links and our dear friend, prompting many memories from when we were kids involved in summertime fun!

Summer Card 3 (2)
We shared memories of playing games such as Hide and Seek until it got dark.  Our dear friend described the sandbox she had as a little girl and the fun she had in it.  We laughed as we sang the “Summertime, Summertime, Summer, Summer, Summertime” song.  That’s all we could remember…no one could remember any more of the words!

Summer Card 5 (2)

Making and giving away our summer crafts and cards makes us feel good, knowing that we’re delivering some of our love and laughter into the lives of others.  Hello Summer!  Hello Love!  Hello Laughter!  We’re having a great summer and hope you and your loved ones with cognitive issues are too.


Lady-Links: How Your Community Can Benefit by Duplicating our Program

Out of State Inquiry

We have great news to share!  Another retirement community is duplicating our Lady-Links program.  A resident from there visited us to see how Lady-Links works.  She felt her community would benefit from our model of making friendship visits to residents with dementia. After her visit here, she presented an overview of our program to her administrators and got approval to use it.  We are thrilled to see Lady-Links duplicated.  They will make some modifications to fit their specific community, but the basic idea remains the same….friends visiting friends in various stages of cognitive decline, engaging them in activities they enjoy.

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Our ideas for how we plan and organize our visits can be found on this website.  We hope you will scroll back through past posts to get more information and consider starting your own version of Lady-Links.  Here are some ways our program can be used:

  • This model of friendship care visits can be used with men who have dementia; just change some of the activities to those that appeal to men and call it Buddy-Links.
  • The people visiting a friend with cognitive issues can be both men and women; just change the name to Lasting-Links.
  • A family might want to use this model to organize the grandkids, great-nieces and great-nephews to visit an elderly family member; just change the name to Little-Links.
  • A church can easily apply this model for serving its members.
  • The Lady-Links model has worked with our friends who are diagnosed with various types of dementia. It is our opinion that their communication skills and social skills have improved since our visits began (within the context of their disease).

The key to starting your own version of Lady-Links is to find a group of friends/relatives/community members willing to make regularly scheduled visits, then

  • –Identify someone to select activities and projects to be used at each visit.
  • –Identify someone to keep the group updated and informed.
  • –Recruit members from the medical, pastoral, and social services fields to serve as your support team to offer insight and advice
  • –Ask for training from your state or local associations on how to communicate with those who have cognitive issues.
  • –Set a schedule for the visits.
  • –Begin the visits.

Before long, you’ll see results as the socialization makes a great difference in the lives of those dear friends you visit.

Scrabble July

Crafts GC 4

Reading 4 (2)

Val 3 GC



Mexican train players


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The dear friend’s life will be enriched in areas of self-esteem, communication, social interaction.  The dear friend’s family benefits from knowing that someone cares about their loved one and is helping to prevent isolation and withdrawal.  The Lady-Links themselves benefit from new friendships and seeing the obvious results of their time spent.  It is a win-win situation for everyone.

Our idea is simple and there is nothing to buy.  This website is a great resource for you to use to get a Lady-Links type program started.  Hope you will share what you’re doing and let us know how Lady-Links has been an inspiration to your program.

Lady-Links:  Enriching the Lives of Others through Love and Laughter



Lady-Links: You Are My Sunshine

Sun Glitter All

On these hot summer days, it’s great to bring the sunshine inside where it’s cool! At our Lady-Links crafts visits with our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline, we often choose  projects that are related to the current season.  The “You Are My Sun Shine”  door hangers were fun to make in a nice cool location while the outside temperatures soared upward, close to the hundred degree mark.

Sun Glitter

Not only did we “beat the heat” but the sunshine craft inspired plenty of great conversation about summertime activities.  We discovered that as children we did many of the same things even though we grew up in different regions of the United States.  We played outside with our friends and most of the time, we stayed out until the street lights came on!  There were shared memories of games, swimming parties, sunflowers and picnics.  We have found that our dear friends can remember events from their childhood and enjoy sharing them when prompted.


This particular craft inspired us to sing “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.  You make me happy when skies are grey.”  We sang it all the way through and even included the second verse.  Our dear friend  harmonized on parts of it, and we learned that she has a beautiful singing voice.  What a wonderful surprise that was!

You are my sun shine (2)
There are many ways to let the sun shine through our lives by bringing happiness to those around us. “You make me happy when skies are grey.”  Living with any type of cognitive decline or dementia certainly qualifies as “grey skies.”  It’s our goal as Lady-Links that we bring a little sunshine with us to each and every visit. As we do that, the day, no matter the weather,  is brighter for all of us!




Lady-Links: Anticipating Dementia-Related Behaviors

Our Lady-Links visits have benefited our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline because we make it a priority to stay informed about Alzheimer’s Disease and other related types of dementia.  We know what to expect and how to react.  Much of our information comes from the Alzheimer’s Association and their bureau of highly trained speakers who present programs.

Alz Mtg June 1

Our Lady-Links visits to our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline are as friends, not as caregivers. Our focus is on socialization which helps prevent boredom, a major trigger for expressing dementia-related behavior.

Alz Mtg June

We do this by engaging our dear friends in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete.

Patriotic Flag Day (2)

Crafts GC 3

We select the activities based on feedback from their families.  We want to know what our dear friend enjoyed before her cognitive decline began.  Some of our dear friends enjoyed crafts.  Others enjoyed book clubs, playing a musical instrument or games.  From that information, we plan our visits accordingly. We make modifications as needed, helping to keep our dear friends engaged.  Boredom is not an issue, so that trigger for dementia-related behaviors is eliminated.

Scrabble Mar

Hand Chimes 1

Christmas Music 1

Reading 1 (2)

Reading 3

We’ve found that socialization enriches the lives of our dear friends.  They interact, respond, and engage in positive ways.  The families tell us that on afternoons after our visits, their loved one maintains feelings of self-worth and happiness for a period of time, which usually doesn’t occur on non-visit days.


Keeping connected (linked) is what the Lady-Links do best!  We help our dear friends remain connected to their world around them promoting a sense of belonging and accomplishment.  This is a benefit for all concerned.  We are thankful that each of our lives are enriched through friendship visits to these dear, sweet ladies.

Lady-Links: Using our Five Senses to Engage our Dear Friends

As a child, did you ever walk in your home after school to the smell of freshly baked cookies?  I did.

cookies and milk (2)

Today, the smell of cookies baking still brings back wonderful memories to me of those afternoons so long ago.


As Lady-Links, we look for creative ways to engage our dear friends in activities that inspire conversation and interaction.  To do this, we sometimes think of ways to use our five senses to help our dear friends keep connected to the world around them.

The sense of smell is closely linked to memory.  A whiff of baked goods or  perfumes or flowers can promote wonderful childhood memories.  When the sense of smell is used as a stimulus at our visits, we’ve had several conversations about the cologne our mothers used or the scents we remember from childhood at Christmas or other special holidays. The sense of taste provides opportunities to share about memories of special meals or even of our first cooking or baking experiences.

For the sense of touch and sight, letting our dear friend hold the object helps.  They can feel the texture and weight of the object.  They can see the shape and design.

Show and Tell jewelry 2

Each Lady-Link will briefly talk about the object she brought, using guided discussion questions to help promote a memory or a connection with our dear friends.  Hearing a description of the item while holding it is a great prompt to help remember something similar.

Show and Tell jewelry

We’ve learned that these show-and-tell types of visits can work wonders in providing links to special memories.  At one of our visits, a Lady-Link brought pieces of jewelry given to her by her grandmother and aunt.  Memories about jewelry transitioned into how we used to wear hats and white gloves to church and other dress up events when we were children and even young adults.

Special pottery, items from a garden  or even a picture can spark memories.



Girl Talk with cotton


We can never understand the full connection of the five senses on the brain, but we know it’s there and it’s powerful.  Opening a music box with a familiar melody led to dancing!  What a joyful surprise that was!


How can you use the five senses to promote interaction between you and your friend or loved one with dementia?  You’ll never know until you try!!



Lady-Links: Girl Time, Tea Time

Teapots 1

A pot of tea, a laugh or two

Special times, shared with you.

 Teapots 2

Remember having tea parties when you were a girl?  We would get our dolls together around a little table and serve them “tea” from tiny tea cups!  We pretended we were fancy ladies at a tea party, and we would let our imaginations guide our afternoon of fun.  Those were the kinds of memories we shared with our dear friends when we made crafts with a teapot design.  These dear friends live in our retirement community and are in various stages of cognitive decline. We visit them once a week engaging them in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete.

Teapots 3

The Lady-Links delight in engaging our dear friends in activities that inspire conversation, shared memories, and laughter.  This teapot craft was great for doing just that!

Teapots 4

Following instructions, one step at a time, helps our dear friends with their cognitive functioning and gives them a sense of accomplishment when they see the finished product. We always have a completed craft to use as a guide and reference point. With each of our dear friends, we keep their skills and abilities in mind when choosing the craft or the activity.  As a result, our visits are enjoyable for all of us!

Teapots 5 (2)

Tea for two…or three…or four….but no more!  We visit in groups of two or three as we don’t want to overwhelm our dear friends with too many people.  Is there a “dear friend” in your life?  Why not share a cup of tea with that person while you visit?  Just remember to include plenty of love and laughter when you do!