Red, White and Blue! Those colors represent our country, and what better way to inspire an appreciation of our history than to spend time together making patriotic crafts?
We are approaching several important patriotic holidays and observances, so the crafts that we make at our visits will reflect that theme.
Naturally, as we’re making these crafts, memories were shared about events in history that were meaningful to us. We talked about Colonial Williamsburg and how it actually is a living-history museum, helping us to understand life during the founding of our country. We talked about Mount Vernon, home of George Washington.
We shared stories of visits to Washington, DC and the important monuments, buildings and museums there. As we approach Memorial Day, we are reminded of those who gave their lives for our country so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.
We are blessed to be living in our great country. Making patriotic crafts is an enjoyable way to engage in conversation about our nation’s history and what that means to us today.
The crafts that we make will be sent to our dear friends in our continuing care residence, helping to inspire them to share their own special patriotic memories. God Bless America.