Lady-Links: A Bushel of Blessings

IMG_2627When Lady-Links was organized in 2013, we did so for the purpose of being a blessing to a sweet lady in our community who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease.  We thought that we would be “giving” encouragement and positive benefits to her life through engaging her in activities that she enjoyed.  Little did we know that the “blessings” would be both ways….that we would receive as much or more than we were giving.  Although that sweet lady passed away last year, her legacy continues as we visit other sweet ladies (we refer to them as dear friends)  engaging them in activities that add meaning, value and joy to their lives and to ours as well.

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A bushel, in case you’ve forgotten, is equal to 32 quarts, and a peck is equal to 8 quarts.  Now, whether you’re measuring apples or blessings,  that’s a whole bunch!  When Doris Day sang, “I love you…a bushel and a peck… those are measurements that the Lady-Links understand.


Lady-Links can say for sure that a “bushel and a peck” of blessings flow both ways!


The completed “Bushel of Blessings” door hangers will be given to our retirement community’s Pastoral Ministries Director to distribute during Sunday afternoon vespers.  As a result,  “a whole bunch” of people will be blessed!  Visiting your friends or loved ones with any type of cognitive decline can bring a bushel and a peck of joy to their lives and yours as well.  Try it, you’ll like it…and so will they!

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