Lady-Links: A Parade with Hope

The Alzheimer’s Association recently organized a car parade for our retirement community.  With masks on and using social distancing, the Lady-Links and other residents cheered and clapped for the vehicles bringing awareness to the need for a cure for Alzheimer’s and other related types of dementia.  The “Honk 4 Hope” theme is a positive message that we all support. We know that a cure will be found!

Part of the process of becoming a Lady-Link is to go through a number of training sessions, several of which focus on education about Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.  The Alzheimer’s Association is an excellent source for information we use in those sessions.  In addition, the seminars they bring to our campus provide valuable insights regarding communication and activities with our dear friends.

Our community has a great relationship with our local Alzheimer’s Association, and we host a walk on our campus each fall to raise awareness and funds for this group.  As Lady-Links, we have been active in the walks in the past.

The Lady-Links know that there is Hope…Hope for a better tomorrow, Hope for effective treatments, and Hope  for a cure!  In the meantime, we will look for opportunities to spread hope with plenty of love and laughter to our dear friends whenever and however we can.

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