Lady-Links: Anticipating Dementia-Related Behaviors

Our Lady-Links visits have benefited our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline because we make it a priority to stay informed about Alzheimer’s Disease and other related types of dementia.  We know what to expect and how to react.  Much of our information comes from the Alzheimer’s Association and their bureau of highly trained speakers who present programs.

Alz Mtg June 1

Our Lady-Links visits to our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline are as friends, not as caregivers. Our focus is on socialization which helps prevent boredom, a major trigger for expressing dementia-related behavior.

Alz Mtg June

We do this by engaging our dear friends in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete.

Patriotic Flag Day (2)

Crafts GC 3

We select the activities based on feedback from their families.  We want to know what our dear friend enjoyed before her cognitive decline began.  Some of our dear friends enjoyed crafts.  Others enjoyed book clubs, playing a musical instrument or games.  From that information, we plan our visits accordingly. We make modifications as needed, helping to keep our dear friends engaged.  Boredom is not an issue, so that trigger for dementia-related behaviors is eliminated.

Scrabble Mar

Hand Chimes 1

Christmas Music 1

Reading 1 (2)

Reading 3

We’ve found that socialization enriches the lives of our dear friends.  They interact, respond, and engage in positive ways.  The families tell us that on afternoons after our visits, their loved one maintains feelings of self-worth and happiness for a period of time, which usually doesn’t occur on non-visit days.


Keeping connected (linked) is what the Lady-Links do best!  We help our dear friends remain connected to their world around them promoting a sense of belonging and accomplishment.  This is a benefit for all concerned.  We are thankful that each of our lives are enriched through friendship visits to these dear, sweet ladies.

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