Lady-Links: Autumn Blessings COVID Style

The Lady-Links know what a blessing it is to stay connected with others.  Making crafts for our dear friends, those ladies in our retirement community in various stages of cognitive decline, is a wonderful way to maintain a strong friendship bond and, at the same time, to let them know they haven’t been forgotten during this time of social isolation due to COVID restrictions. One of the blessings this autumn has been our ability to continue to remain linked through crafts, notes, phone calls, sending treats and small surprises, helping our dear friends feel valued and blessed.

Maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, and limiting the number of Lady-Links during any one event are a part of our routine since the COVID guidelines were put in place.  It is a blessing that we have room to spread out and work on our crafts.

It is a blessing that we have a Lady-Link who serves as our craft manager and coordinates all our craft events.

It is a blessing that we have ladies who will give of their time and effort to be a blessing to others. (A double blessing!)

It is a blessing that the Lady-Links care about Linking Love with one another and with their dear friends.

We are truly blessed regardless of circumstances.

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