Lady-Links: Celebrating World Gratitude Day COVID Style

The Lady-Links are grateful that COVID can’t stop them from expressing how much they treasure their relationships with their dear friends, those ladies in our community who are in various stages of cognitive decline.  Although we are prevented from making in-person visits to our dear friends because of restrictions brought on by COVID, we have found multiple ways to stay connected.  Recognizing how blessed we are to have spent time before COVID with these ladies, we decided to celebrate World Gratitude Day by making cards that express our gratefulness for their friendship even though we have to remain apart.

The cards were designed specifically for World Gratitude Day and recognized our community’s goal of sharing messages of kindness and gratefulness during this month.

Some of the Lady-Links met to make these cards, following the social distancing guidelines, wearing masks, and limiting our number of participants to less than ten at any one time.

We began by selecting the messages used for the inside of the card or as additions to the card.

Once we made our selections, the creativity began.  Multiple messages of love, hope, kindness and gratefulness were assembled.

Not only will these messages of gratitude inspire and encourage our dear friends, but they will strengthen our relationship with them as well.  In addition, we Lady-Links felt a special time of bonding with one another as we made the cards and shared from our own experiences how we’ve found things for which we’re grateful even during this time of COVID.  It’s amazing how an attitude of gratitude can spread collectively throughout a group to increase feelings of joy, peace and hope within each individual.

Before we left the room to deliver our cards to our dear friends, we made sure we sanitized the room so others could have a safe and healthy environment.  This simple act of thoughtfulness and concern for others is a way of expressing gratitude for living in a community where we all care about each other.

Gratitude…there are many ways to express it and many ways that it benefits both the giver and the receiver.  The Lady-Links know this from experience and are grateful to continue to celebrate even if it is COVID style.

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