Lady-Links: Easter Crafts Bring Joy

Butterfly 1It’s special to prepare for holidays in ways that add joy to our lives.  During this time of the year, we use some of our Lady-Links visits to make Easter crafts.

Butterfly 4This brings joy in several ways….first is the joy of making the crafts while sharing memories about how we celebrated Easter when we were children.

Butterfly 5Of course, there’s memories of church services with the resurrection message, followed by Easter Egg Hunts and family meals and celebrations.  Many of us had special Easter dresses complete with new shoes and maybe even an Easter bonnet.  Some of us remember being in Easter parades.  Lots of laughter is always shared when we talk about helping our mothers dye and decorate the eggs on Saturday that just happened to be used by the Easter Bunny when he hid them for us the next morning!  As children, the logic of all that didn’t have to make sense!

Butterfly 2The second joy we receive from our Easter crafts is knowing that they will be given away during the related events that our community has for our residents.  It is a good feeling for all of us to know that we are sharing our joy with others once again this year as we have done in the past.

Butterfly 7

Easter Foam Craft Projects

Easter baskets with ribbon



The activities we do at our Lady-Links visits serve many purposes.  They spark cognition and inspire conversation. They promote feelings of team work and success.  Since we give our crafts to others, we provide an opportunity for  altruism that our dear friends don’t experience very often as they progress in their various stages of cognitive decline.  Such charitable feelings promote an attitude of “I’m still needed” that is so beneficial in all of our lives.  The result is joy…joy in doing and joy in giving….and that’s what our Lady-Links visits are designed to do.  May you have a joyous Easter Season.

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