Lady-Links: Encouraging Others to Imitate What We Do

“Children are great imitators; so give them something great to imitate.”

As Lady-Links we make every effort to ensure that our dear friends, those ladies in our community in various stages of cognitive decline, feel valued and appreciated.  We’re adults….so we “get it”…. every card, every craft, and every communication with our dear friends is done with their sense of self-worth and dignity in mind.  We truly care about our dear friends and consider them just that…friends who are dear to us.  That sense of caring is a part of who we are as Lady-Links and, because we do care, we look for ways to encourage others to care as well.  What better place to start than with our own grandchildren?

For two years, my granddaughter has designed, painted, and created cards for me to use to send to my dear friends.  She knows that the recipients of these cards are ladies who have difficulties in the way they are able to think and remember things.  She sees my desire to want to give each of these dear friends an individually created card that they will enjoy because I value their friendship and want them to have something special.

She combines colors and designs that she thinks they will find pleasing, and she does her best to create a card that they will treasure. This labor of love that we accomplish together is part of a mindset that all of us at Lady-Links hope to impart…that every person deserves to be treated with respect and kindness regardless of cognitive ability.

We as Lady-Links don’t think that we’re great.  What we do think, and actually know, is that the concept of showing kindness and respect to everyone is what is great. We love our dear friends and are looking forward to resuming our in-person visits with them soon.  In the meantime, we will continue to send special cards with our love and include a touch of a granddaughter’s love as well.  A great way to share a great concept!

Lady-Links:  Linking Love and Laughter with Life


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