Lady-Links: Friendship At Its Best

Val 2 GC

Val 4 Cafe

Friendship is the reason Lady-Links was organized.  The idea began when one of us heard the husband of a woman diagnosed with Alzheimer’s say that the quality of her life would be improved if she had a friend.  That sparked the beginnings of organizing visits to women in our retirement community who are in various stages of cognitive decline.

Val 1 GCOur visits are filled with qualities that enrich our bonds of friendship with our dear friends.  We’ve found that encouragement, kindness and helpfulness, sprinkled with love and laughter, make for a meaningful relationship that will stand the passing of time.

Val 5 Cafe (2)

It’s not about how much we accomplish…although our crafts are easy and fun to make.  It’s about the attitudes we share during our visits.

Val 3 GC

Val 6 Cafe

Lady-Links…enriching lives with love and laughter.  Isn’t that what we all hope friendship will bring?


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