Lady-Links: Getting through the Storm

We’ve seen some stormy days this spring haven’t we?  Figuratively and literally, but it is the former that is causing the most concern.  Yes, we’re in the midst of  the worst “storm” in recent history, a world-wide pandemic caused by the coronavirus.  As Lady-Links, part of what factors into our storm is that we are unable to visit our dear friends because of our Shelter in Place restrictions. We miss them and our Lady-Links partners, and we are disappointed that we can’t enjoy engaging in activities together.  Yet, we know it is necessary to postpone our visits until this storm passes and the sun comes out once again.

In the meantime, while the storm continues to linger, we are staying in contact through cards, notes, emails, phone calls and video chats.  We are encouraging and positive. We keep in contact with the families of our dear friends, letting them know that we look forward to resuming our visits as soon as possible.

We are certain that one day the clouds will part, the sun will shine through and a rainbow will appear.  The storm will be over and our Lady-Links will once again bring love and laughter into the lives of one another and of our dear friends. Until then, stay safe and healthy as we weather this storm.


  1. Fern Sigafoos says

    Love this. Yes, we do miss our dear friends. Praying they are all doing ok. This will be nice ot post on
    Life at Highland Springs. thank You for all you do for us and Highland Springs.

  2. Jim Atkins says

    Dennie, you never cease to amaze with your talents and heart serving dear friends and partners by creating links of Love, Laughter and Life! God bless you as you as you spread His blessings to so many.

  3. Mimi O’Neill says

    This is the time to strengthen the links
    Between all the friends we are connected to,
    Until we can all meet again face to face.

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