Lady-Links: Hello Fall COVID Style

Fall has arrived, bringing with it a renewed determination to celebrate the season regardless of the circumstances we face with COVID restrictions.  The Lady-Links can find ways to safely gather to stay connected to one another and, at the same time, create a craft project letting our dear friends know we’re still connected to them too!  We’re not going to let COVID rob us of the joy we have when we get together.  We follow the protocols that are necessary for our health and safety, and feel confident that we are doing the right thing.   This cheerful doorhanger was fun to make and will help our dear friends, those ladies in our community in various stages of cognitive decline, know that we’re thinking of them.

Purpose accomplished…Fall is welcomed…Doorhangers are ready to be delivered…Love and laughter shared!

“Hello Fall”….and one day we’ll be able to say “Good-bye COVID.”  But until then, we’ll continue to make the best of a difficult season of life because that’s what the Lady-Links do!

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