Lady-Links: Hoping to Inform and Inspire

Lady-Links hope to inform anyone who will listen that our dear friends with dementia can benefit from engaging in meaningful activities.  To get the “message” out, we write for several publications, maintain a blog website, speak to groups when invited, and recruit volunteers to be a part of our organization.

Our “method” is simple….We are friends visiting friends with dementia or any type of cognitive decline. engaging them in activities that will add meaning, value and joy to their lives.  Sometimes we work on crafts, sometimes we have “show and tell”  and sometimes we play games, bake cookies or dance.

Our “method” is easily duplicated and we hope that this blog will inspire you to visit your friends or loved ones with dementia and try some of our ideas.  Please scroll through our past posts to get plenty of ideas for starting your own group.  You will find a double blessing…you will bring joy to someone’s life and you will enjoy the time you spend with that person too!

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