Lady-Links: How Faith Encourages All of Us

Faith is an important component of  life.  It brings hope and peace as well as a sense of purpose to us.  As Lady-Links, we’ve discovered that making faith-based crafts is a way to encourage our dear friends with Alzheimer’s and other related types of dementia, and to help them feel a sense of God’s presence in their lives.

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Our dear friends may be past the point of visiting church with their families or even watching a sermon on TV.  But they love being involved in activities that remind them of their childhood Sunday School class or worship service.  It gives them a sense of being connected spiritually with those who care.

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We are blessed to live in a retirement community that has many opportunities to express one’s faith.  The faith-based crafts we make are distributed by our Director of Pastoral Ministries to those who attend vespers or to those who are in need of a pastoral visit.  They bring joy to the lives of those who receive them, and give us joy knowing that what we are making will fill such a need.

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When we made the Jesus is the Sweetest Name craft, our dear friend began singing “Jesus Loves Me” without any prompting from any of us.  Of course we all joined in, and it was a precious time knowing that we helped her connect to a very special time in her life.

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Faith can be a source of strength and hope. By making these crafts, our dear friends are given a tangible reminder of all that faith can bring.

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As words and cognitive abilities fade, symbols of faith can still prompt memories and responses.  Making, holding or touching our faith-based crafts provide a unique way of communicating about spiritual issues that can soothe the soul when more traditional ways like listening to a sermon can’t.

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Helping provide such spiritual connections bring joy to both our lives and to the lives of our dear friends.  The memories of faith-based activities can transcend time with just a little help.  Why not explore this issue with your loved one?  It can be a source of comfort for you both.

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