Lady-Links: Investing in the Lives of Others COVID Style

Our Lady-Links are kind and thoughtful women who truly love to invest in the lives of our dear friends, those ladies in our community in various stages of cognitive decline.  With COVID regulations restricting our in-person visits, we’ve managed to find other ways to connect with them such as through writing notes or cards, making phone calls,  and sending crafts or flower arrangements we’ve made.  Even with all those activities aimed at staying “linked” to our dear friends, our Lady-Links have had “extra’ time on their hands and have used it to find ways to invest in the lives of others who are important to them.  Recently, at one of our craft events, we shared some ways we’ve been keeping busy.

This beautiful quilt is almost finished.  Because of restrictions that required us to spend most of our time at home, this Lady-Link chose to spend much of it working on this project.  It will be a gift of love that her great-granddaughters will treasure forever.

Another Lady-Link spent her time knitting warm headbands that will benefit the homeless during the upcoming winter season.  She was a part of a team effort that made 90 of these.

Another Lady-Link used her extra time to teach science skills to a granddaughter and the art of making chocolate curls to a grandson.

Other Lady-Links continued their outreach by sewing masks for those in our community who needed one before masks became readily available.

Investing in people.  That’s what Lady-Links do.  And until these COVID restrictions lift and we can resume all of our in-person visits to our dear friends, you’ll find the Lady-Links making the most of their time investing in the lives of whoever needs them.

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