Lady-Links: It’s Fall Ya’ll

Fall 4

Sharing stories about fall activities while making a seasonal craft is a fun way to welcome the coming change.

Fall 2Our crafts are chosen to engage our dear friends in conversation and activity. We loved reminiscing about seeing the color changes in the trees, feeling the cooler temperatures, and playing in the leaves when we were children.

Fall 3

Working together to complete a craft makes our dear friends feel that they have made a significant contribution to the project’s success.

Fall 1

Active participation is the goal. We find that when we give directions one step at a time and provide the help to get started, that our dear friends can accomplish most of the tasks necessary to complete the artwork.

Fall 6

We plan carefully how the craft will be done, and some of the smaller detailed work is in place before the visit begins.  The eyes on this sunflower project were difficult to adhere, so we added them in our preparation stages.  As a result, the craft was assembled easily and provided for an enjoyable time.

Fall 5

Fall is a special time of the year!  Include your friend or loved one with cognitive decline in activities to help them enjoy the season.  It’s fall, ya’ll!

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