Lady-Links: Learning How to Maintain Important Links

Alz Mtg 6Continuing to learn is an important part of being a productive person.  But at Lady-Links, we consider it a priority.  We want to live up to our name and our slogan when visiting our dear friends who are in various stages of cognitive decline.  The best way to do that is by learning about the aging process and neurological diseases and their effects on the brain.  This updating of knowledge from seminars and workshops plus lessons we’ve learned through experience from our weekly visits help us continue to develop the necessary skills to enrich the lives of our dear friends.


As we engage our dear friends in activities they enjoy, we want to help them maintain links to important parts of their lives.  Our dear friends have a need to love and to be loved; a need to have friends and to be a friend; a need to contribute something to society and to benefit from what society gives; and a need to feel a sense of security and success.  The more we understand Dementia (an umbrella term for changes in memory, thinking or reasoning) and its related causes, we can help our dear friends link to those areas which promote quality of life.

Alz Mtg 4We live in a retirement community that encourages making choices to maintain healthy living.  As a result, the Alzheimer’s Association brings programs to our campus to help individuals and families receive the information they need to understand the risk factors of the  disease and to navigate it if it occurs.  Our Lady-Links regularly attend these sessions to receive updated information and support in making our visits to our dear friends effective and beneficial.

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By understanding how the disease progresses, we can anticipate changes or adjustments that are needed.  This allows us to continue to enrich the lives of our dear friends through love and laughter as we engage them in activities.




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Lady-Links are lifelong learners!  That’s an important part of who we are and how we are able to maintain those important links in life as we connect with our dear friends.

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