Lady-Links: Looking Back Before We Look Ahead

Lady-Links is about to celebrate a Fifth Year Anniversary of visiting ladies in our community who have some type of cognitive impairment.  A look back at our Fourth Year Anniversary Party holds some special memories.







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IMG_0579Precious memories of those we lost this past year but will always love….

Trudy picture



We are looking ahead to another year for Lady-Links to give and receive joy through these visits to our dear friends we have come to love so much. Love is a precious commodity…the more we give it away, the more we get it back.   Lady-Links would agree with Tennyson who wrote, “It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”

Laughing fun


  1. Fern Sigafoos says

    Wow.. Precious memories of visits with our friends. All united in Love of Friends. Thank You Dennie:

  2. Thank you Lady-links. I will never be able to express how very much you have meant to Lonna and me. Gid bless you all! Jim

  3. Some beautiful people and some we very much miss.

  4. Rosian Zerner says

    Dennie, you have created a unique opportunity for LL to be of service, bond, spread joy, love and laughter to our friends and to each other.

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