Lady-Links: Music Straight to Our Hearts

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We enjoy our visits with our dear friend who previously was a middle school music teacher and gave private piano lessons to people of all ages.  Our visits used to include five or six Lady-Links gathered around her Steinway piano playing the resonator bells, using the sheet music she prepared for us. We played old favorites and  Christmas and holiday songs, singing and harmonizing while our dear friend accompanied us on her piano.   Those are wonderful memories for us that we treasure.   However, we’ve realized that sometimes change is needed in the way we structure our Lady-Links visits.  
Music smiles
Music group holding chimes

Such is the nature of Alzheimer’s, a progressive neurological disease that requires change in the way we do things.  With our Lady-Links visits, we have chosen  to embrace change and make adjustments that will continue to enrich the lives of our dear friends.

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In her new setting with the necessary changes we’ve incorporated,  we continue to enjoy her amazing piano skills and the variety of music that she entertains us with from the classics to an impromptu rendition of Chopsticks!  We don’t need the resonator bells, their pages of sheet music, and the amount of Lady-Links required to cover the sequence of notes.  All we need is our dear friend, her new electric piano and a few of us to have a delightful musical afternoon.

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What matters most is that our dear friend is engaged in an activity she enjoys and can successfully accomplish.

There’s a saying that summarizes how we feel when we visit this dear friend,

“Music is a piece of art that goes in the ears straight to the heart.” 

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Music, love and laughter have joined our hearts together and all our lives are enriched as a result.

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