Lady-Links: Planning Makes Perfect but Spontaneity Sure Helps!


How does one get from Point A to Point B?  Regardless of who you are or what you’re doing, planning promotes success.  That’s the way it is with the Lady-Links visits to our dear friends who have some type of cognitive decline.  We plan for those things that can use structure, then we spontaneously improvise at each visit to make those structured things work.


The planning starts with each Lady-Link being given training on how to best communicate with those who have some type of dementia. Next, each Lady-Link selects a dear friend she would like to visit, then she schedules those visits.

Signups working

Signups one

SignupsActivities are selected with each individual dear friend in mind.


Some enjoy crafts, others enjoy games or a show and tell activity.


Each visit is carefully planned but with the understanding that love and laughter are the most important parts….and that happens spontaneously!


The end result is success….our dear friends feel valued, loved, and appreciated in a social setting that might not otherwise occur, and our Lady-Links enjoy having fun while adding meaning to both their lives and the lives of their dear friend.

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