Lady-Links: Presidents’ Day Celebrated with Smiles

We enjoy celebrating patriotic holidays with our dear friends, those ladies in our retirement community who are in various stages of cognitive decline.  Recently, we prepared crafts that reflected our nation’s commitment to honor our presidents.  Historically, the recognition focused on our first president, George Washington, with a federal holiday designated on his birthday, February 22.  In 1971 the date was moved to  the third Monday of February and current thinking is to honor all presidents, both past and present.

We’ve celebrated Presidents’ Day the last several years with crafts, activities and parties, and it’s always a joy to see the smiles on the faces of the Lady-Links and their dear friends as we talk about the privilege we have of living in America.

Much of our sharing involves family, faith, food, and fun as well as stories about our favorite presidents and our favorite first ladies.  One of our Lady-Links was in the second grade when President Harry Truman made a stop in her hometown.  He came up behind her and pulled her pigtails! She was used to boys pulling her pigtails, but never a president!!!

We remember speeches, picnics, and flags flying high.  A few of our dear friends remember the first president ever to receive their vote.  Some of our dear friends have visited Washington D.C. and can share memories about visits there, especially when prompted with open-ended questions. Our patriotic themed visits always bring an abundance of smiles from both Lady-Links and our dear friends!


Lady-Links:  Where the Smiles Never Stop


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