Lady-Links: Preventing Loneliness through Reaching Out, COVID Style

Reaching out to our dear friends is a way the Lady-Links help them dispel feelings of loneliness. This was much easier to do prior to the COVID-19 pandemic when we could make in-person visits to them, but we’ve managed to be successful in reaching out in some creative ways even from a distance.

A feeling of loneliness can come upon anyone.  However, most of us only experience it during short periods in our life.  During times of imposed social restrictions for an extended period of time, such as what we’ve all seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, attention needs to be placed on meeting the needs of those who might suffer extensive damage both emotionally and mentally as a result of such isolation.  For our dear friends, those ladies in our retirement community in various stages of cognitive decline, their rate of cognitive loss and socialization skills can be even greater without the personal visits we were previously able to make.  That’s why we’ve developed ways to reach out to them during this time of physical restrictions and lack of in-person interaction.

Here’s 5 Ways to Help Prevent Loneliness by Reaching Out to Others

  1.  Send a Treat.  First of all, find out if there are any food allergies or concerns.  Once you’ve done that, then select something to send that your friend will enjoy.  We’ve sent chocolate chip cookies for “National Chocolate Chip Day” and a bag of chocolates for “Do Something Nice Day.”  There’s a National Donut Day (June 4), a National Sugar Cookie Day (July 9), a National Pretzel Day (April 26), and a National Banana Day (April 21).  In fact, there’s a “National Day” for just about anything you can imagine that would inspire you to send something unique to your friend or loved one.  Make it fun.  How about tying a bow around the banana you send for National Banana Day?  Don’t you think that would bring a smile or even some laughter when your friend receives it?2.  Send a joke.  Find some jokes that are appropriate and easy to understand.  We did just that…making a Joke Book to send to our dear friends.  However, if you don’t want to make a Joke Book, simply write a joke on an index card and send it to your friend.  Most of our dear friends weren’t able to read our jokes themselves…they had a spouse or caregiver who read them aloud to them.  We were told that our dear friends continued to look at the Joke Book for many days afterwards and to smile every time they held it or saw it.  Actually, we heard that the caregivers loved our Joke Book too and used it many times later as an engaging activity they could do together.3.  Send a seasonal craft.  We love making crafts, and some of the ones that are most appreciated are the ones that can be hung from a door handle or knob so that they can be seen easily. This is a reminder for our dear friends of what season of the year we’re currently experiencing. We find these ready-to-make crafts online and at hobby stores.  They are easy to assemble and result in such a colorful, cheerful product.4.  Send a small flower arrangement.  We picked our own…zinnias from the garden of one of our Lady-Links.  These colorful flowers made beautiful arrangements in small vases and were delivered on an “ordinary” day.  By that I mean that it wasn’t a birthday or a holiday…just an ordinary day when our dear friends were pleasantly surprised and so delighted that someone was thinking of them.  5.  Send a card or note.  Do you remember “Pen Pals” from your childhood…someone you would write to and then you would look in the mailbox every day afterwards hoping that they wrote you back?  Our dear friends love getting mail….we know they aren’t going to write back or even acknowledge our cards….but their spouses and caregivers let us know how our cards and notes are enjoyed day after day as they are loving held as if they are a special keepsake.  We write phrases like “Thinking of You” or “So Glad We’re Friends” or “Just a Friendly Little Hello from Me to You” or “Thinking of You Always Makes Me Smile” in our “store-bought cards” or in cards we make.    These cheerful words help our dear friends feel valued and loved which is exactly what is needed to dispel feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Reaching out to our dear friends is important to the Lady-Links because we know what a lifeline it can be.  We’re not going to let our dear friends go through this time of social isolation which can lead to loneliness without a “touch” from us, even if it is from a distance for now.  We’re committed to reaching out.  What about you?

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