Lady-Links: Reflections From this Year

IMG_2564 (2)The Lady-Links program completed another successful year of visits to our dear friends, the ladies in our community who are in various stages of cognitive decline.  We are thankful for the opportunity to enjoy time with these sweet ladies, developing friendship bonds and meaningful relationships. Reflections from the past year help us in our planning for the future, and we hope to improve our program each year.

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Our Training Program

This year we increased our training to include extensive sessions regarding:

  • an overview of Lady-Links,
  • educational information regarding types of dementia,
  • methods of  successful engagement of those with cognitive issues.

Training 1 (2)

Our Outreach

Each Lady-Link makes a significant contribution to the overall success of our program through her compassion, dedication, and love.  Our group has grown in numbers with 47 active Lady-Links and with more ladies wanting to be trained.  In addition, a program called Dear Friends which is based on Lady-Links has been established in a sister retirement community. We are thrilled at this growth both within our program and with a new similar program off to a great start.

Christmas 23

Our mission to enrich the lives of our dear friends through love and laughter continues to be the focus of our visits.  We look forward to the new year, stronger than ever in this commitment and thankful for the support of family, friends and our retirement community neighbors and staff.

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Lady-Links:  Linking Love and Laughter

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