Lady-Links: Socialization Plus More

We have fun at our Lady-Links visits with our dear friends who are in various stages of cognitive decline. We choose activities for our visits that they enjoy and that will promote a feeling of well-being.  This type of interaction (friends doing something enjoyable together) or socialization( as it is officially defined) is very important for all of us, but especially for those who have Alzheimer’s or other similar types of dementia.  Plus it’s fun!

Some authorities in the field of Alzheimer’s say that social interaction is like exercise for the brain and can slow symptoms including deteriorating memory.  We agree.  The more we visit, the more our dear friends engage in what we’re doing including conversation.  We want them to feel a sense of inclusiveness and belonging, and our activities are chosen with that in mind.

The Lady-Links make every effort to involve our dear friends in assembling a craft by working together to complete it.  As we work, we let the craft inspire conversation that we think will spark a memory for our dear friend.

Often our crafts have a patriotic theme because we have several patriotic holidays.  Looking at the craft, we relate memories that involve the flag, stars, and the red, white and blue color pattern.  We share memories of saying the Pledge of Allegiance when we were in school and singing our national anthem. Some of us have stories to share involving parades, fireworks, and parties.  Once a Lady-Link shares a memory, our dear friends are prompted to share something similar.  This type of conversation (with prompts) has been successful, and the families of our dear friends are amazed that their loved ones respond so well.

Lady-Links visits help our dear friends continue to find joy in friendship when that is becoming more and more difficult as their disease progresses.  This “exercise for the brain” is a tremendous benefit of the social interaction process because it helps our dear friends  engage in conversation and feel a significant part of a group experience. Socialization is important for all of us (including the Lady-Links) and is part of a healthy lifestyle.  Plus we have fun!!!  (Did I already say that?   Well, it’s worth repeating!) We have fun!

Lady-Links:  Enriching Lives through Love and Laughter


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