Lady-Links: Some Like It Hot, COVID Style

The Lady-Links aren’t going to let a little thing like the hottest day of the year stop them from making crafts for their dear friends.  Although some like it hot, we decided that to avoid a heat stroke,  this would be one of those days that our group of eight needed to move inside, COVID style.

Social distancing, wearing masks, and limiting our time to 30 minutes were still the guidelines for our health and safety.  It didn’t escape our notice that our craft reflected what was happening outside…a blazing sun. Only this sun had sunglasses!  Appropriate for 104 degrees in the shade! Each Lady-Link had her own craft items, organized for us by our craft manager.  We don’t share any supplies which is in line with our COVID restrictions.

The sun magnets will be a great reminder of how we kept our cool during the hottest day of the year!

The Lady-Links are dedicated to the friendship connections among each other and with their dear friends.  We’ll do what it takes to keep those connections “hot” meaning energized and enthusiastic.  With that friendship description in mind, the Lady-Links would agree…”We all like it hot!”

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