Lady-Links: Swinging Valentines

1010289(0)Lady-Links enjoyed plenty of fun as we got in the swing of things at a Valentine’s Day Party at the Assisted Living/Memory Care facility in our retirement community.


It was a great way to have fun while “swinging to the beat” of favorite songs from the 1950’s.  Some of the Lady-Links even got into the spirit by wearing poodle skirts.


Residents enjoyed the the upbeat mood of the party that day and the valentines we made and distributed throughout the week.


Lady-Links have made and shared valentines every year since we began our visits to our dear friends in various stages of cognitive decline.




Valentine Ladies

So…come on and join the fun…invite your friend or loved one with cognitive decline to join you in celebration.  It doesn’t have to be restricted to February 14th.  Having great friends and letting them know they are special can be celebrated year-round!


Getting in the “swing of things” benefits everyone emotionally and physically, and even stimulates memories of enjoyable times from years ago.  According to Lady-Links, that’s what makes a great Valentine event or any event for that matter…enriching lives with love and laughter.

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