Lady-Links: Teamwork Behind the Scenes

Most of our time as Lady-Links is spent visiting our dear friends, those ladies in our community in some type of cognitive decline, engaging them in activities that they enjoy.  However, there is much that goes on behind the scenes to make our efforts successful.  Part of that is in the type of crafts we choose if we are doing a craft visit with our dear friends.  We opt for the peel and stick variety rather than those that require glue.  However, there are times when a bottle of glue comes in handy!  A case in point was with crafts that were mistakenly ordered.  Rather than let these cute “bug” patriotic crafts go unused, some of the Lady-Links got together to assemble them and to have fun in the process!

After all the work in applying glue to each piece was done, we were thankful that long ago we made the decision to use the self-adhesive foam peel and stick pieces for the crafts we do at our visits!!!

Other craft repairs include affixing magnets, re-attaching pieces, and packaging our crafts to send to our dear friends in our continuing care residence.

The Lady-Links are willing to do whatever it takes to bring love and laughter into the lives our our dear friends…. and in this case it took a little elbow grease and some glue!!!  Thanks Lady-Links!



  1. Jim Atkins says

    Thank you, Lady-links!!

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