Lady-Links: Telling A Joke COVID Style

Everyone can use some laughter in their lives, right?  Especially now…when we’re dealing with the Coronavirus and all the concerns associated with it. Finding something to laugh about is important to help us during these difficult times.  So how do we do that?  Leave it to the Lady-Links to come up with the answer!  We celebrated National “Tell A Joke” Day with each other and with our dear friends, COVID style!

The first step was to collect jokes from the Lady-Links and compile them into a Joke Book that we could share.

The second thing was to get together as Lady-Links to read and share these jokes. Of course, this was done COVID style using masks, social distancing, and limiting our number of participants to 10 or less.

Our “audience” laughed and applauded our efforts so we knew we were on the right track.

Even the Bible says “A cheerful heart is good medicine…”(Proverbs 17:22) so between the audience and the Bible, we were all set.  By the way, speaking of medicine …

What’s the difference between a hill and a pill?  A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.

Sorry…I couldn’t resist that….yes, the hill/pill riddle is part of our Joke Book!

The next step was to package the Joke Books and deliver to our dear friends.

Ready for delivery!

More samples….

Why is Cinderella bad at soccer?   Because she runs away from the ball.

How do you know hot is faster than cold?   Because you can catch a cold.

We even included some Words of Wisdom to laugh about…

If it were easy to raise kids, it never would have started with something called labor.

Letting the cat out of the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back in.

Does running late count as exercise?

Okay, hope you’re laughing (or maybe giving a good natured groan) by now.  But if not, here’s the dedication from our Joke Book which will surely make you smile:

“We hope you have enjoyed this first-ever Lady-Links Joke Book.  We think that laughter helps make each day better and that our lives are enriched when we sprinkle that laughter with love.  These jokes are some of our favorites, and the Lady-Links want to share them with you, our good friends, because….

Good friends are like the perfect bra.  Supportive.  Uncomplicated.  And able to give you a little boost when you need it.”

We hope this added a little “boost” to your day!


  1. Excellent blog writing. Couldn’t be write better!
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