Lady-Links: Thankful for Being Thankful All Year Long

What inspires you to feel thankful?  Is being thankful even possible when circumstances don’t warrant a thankful response? Is thankfulness dependent on happiness?

Fall 4 (2)

According to some familiar songs, there are some things that will make us happy:

  • Ella Fitzgerald lets us know that walking on the Sunny Side of the Street will make a difference.
  • Judy Garland tells us that if we can get on the other side of the rainbow we’ll find happiness.
  • Andy Williams sings that it’s the season that makes it the happiest time of the year.

But what if we find ourselves on a rainy day when neither side of the street is sunny,  there’s no rainbow in sight, and we’re not in our favorite season of the year?


The Lady-Links have found an answer to those difficult questions through working with numerous families of loved ones diagnosed with various types of cognitive decline.  We believe that being thankful is a choice we can make, and we’re supported by a very important resource…the Bible!  We find in I Thessalonians 5:18 that we’re to be thankful in everything.


Developing an attitude of gratitude depends on our mindset, not our circumstances.  We’ve seen countless husbands/families of our dear friends who lovingly give of themselves 24/7 and they are thankful for the opportunity to do so.  Many of them will say how their loved one “was there for them” for years and it’s a privilege now to be able to “be there for her.”


As Lady-Links, we arrive at each visit with a loving, caring, positive and uplifting attitude.  We choose to be grateful for the opportunity to spend time with our dear friends, focusing on what they can do rather than what they can’t do.  We give plenty of smiles and encouraging words as we engage our dear friends in activities they enjoy.  We know that thankfulness isn’t limited to one holiday or even to one season of the year.  With Lady-Links, thanksgiving occurs at each visit we make.  

Rainbow 1

Music group 7 (2)

Reading summer


Utensils 2

Rummikub April

 It’s a blessing to be a part of such a loving, caring group that makes thanksgiving a year-round event!

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