Lady-Links: Thankful for New Ideas


When we first started Lady-Links, we had one dear friend we visited.  There were eight Lady-Links on her team who visited her in groups of two or three. As we have expanded both in the number of dear friends and the number of Lady-Links,  we are thankful that our basic mission has remained effective:  to engage our dear friends in activities they enjoy and can successfully complete.

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Each year, new ladies are trained to become Lady-Links. Since we began, over 1,975 Lady-Links visits have been made, representing 5,925 hours spent at visits.  This does not include the hours spent in training, scheduling, preparation work or planning.  We view each hour as an investment in love because we place significant value in each friendship we’ve made through our Lady-Links program.

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The original components of our visits have proven successful, but our experience has taught us that new ideas need to be incorporated to continue to keep our program effective.  We’re thankful that our Lady-Links recognize that new ideas can be incorporated with our original goals to provide benefits for everyone.

We are thankful for new ideas in the areas of:

  • Training – We have increased our training to include more updates about brain development and the aging process.
  • Visits – We have improved our scheduling procedures incorporating new technology that is available. We have streamlined our choice of crafts and activities that make it easier for our dear friends to participate with success.
  • Communication – We are initiating a process of  reminding Lady-Links of their upcoming visits by appointing a Call Captain for each team.
  • Support – We have established, with the help of our retirement community, a way for donations to be made to Lady-Links to help cover the costs of our supplies and activities.

Our Lady-Links are thankful to have the opportunity to visit their dear friends and are always looking for new ideas to improve what we do.   As a result, we have a collaborative team searching for innovative ways to enrich the lives of others.   Thankfulness for opportunities to help others and being open to new ideas to enhance what we do…that’s the spirit of Thanksgiving and what Lady-Links are all about!

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