Lady-Links: The Smiles Just Keep Coming

Smiles!  We love to see them.  As Lady-Links we find ways to bring out the smiles of our dear friends, those ladies in our community with various types of cognitive decline.  Our Show and Tell visits are some of our favorite times with our dear friends because the smiles just keep coming as we “show” and “tell” about something that is meaningful or interesting to us.

Cute dog pictures along with stories about how we have fun with them are sure to bring smiles.

Of course, we must provide a wardrobe for our dogs…..scarves, hats, sweaters, jackets….Who wouldn’t want a well-dressed dog???? We laughed about how some of the dogs in our community are better dressed than we are!!!!

Switching topics from accessorizing our dogs to accessorizing ourselves is another way to bring out a smile! We always enjoy showing special pieces of jewelry that are meaningful to us and sharing the story behind each piece.

Putting on an apron, getting out a 60 year old cookbook,  and holding hot pads made on a loom like we did when we were girls brought out more big smiles!  We laughed about our “failures” in the kitchen during our early years of marriage….tuna noodle casserole was practically fool-proof, so that one always worked, but other culinary delights required more time and skill!

What item do you have that you can use as a “springboard” for conversation starters and memory catchers with your friends or loved ones in various stages of cognitive decline?  The smiles are there….you just have to get them started!



  1. David Gibbs says

    What’s to say except you are the greatest!,

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