Lady-Links: The Value of a Visit

January calendar

What do you value in life?  We tend to ask ourselves that question when we are setting goals as each new year begins.   January is a perfect time to make plans for reaching our goals based on what we value. At our Lady-Links planning sessions, we set goals for our visits with the women who are in various stages of cognitive decline that live  in our retirement community.  We believe that these ladies we call dear friends deserve to be a part activities that create meaning in their lives and to find reasons to laugh, rejoice, and love.

Lady-Links value our relationships with our dear friends and find that our visits enrich our lives as well as theirs.

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To demonstrate what we value in the visits with our dear friends, we focus on several areas: Communication, Collaboration, and Commitment.


We begin each visit with a smile and keep that friendly body language going throughout the visit.  We’ve found that even when our dear friends don’t fully understand what we’re saying, they completely understand what a smile means!

Cafe 3 ValCollaboration:

We value team work.  We work together as a team to complete a project or activity. That way, everyone contributes and feels successful.

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Lady-Links are committed to bringing love and laughter into the lives of their dear friends. We do this by actively listening, supporting and respecting each other regardless of cognitive ability, and by expressing kindness.

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We are planning for a very successful year with visits filled with what we value most!  We know it will be a very good year!

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