Lady-Links: The Walk to End Alzheimer’s From Start to Finish

The name of our group is Lady-Links.  Our purpose is to help ladies with cognitive decline maintain important links (social, intellectual, and emotional) in their lives by engaging them in activities they enjoy.  We visit these dear friends in our retirement community on a weekly basis, and we see firsthand the difficult effects that Alzheimer’s has on them and on their families.  Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disease that doesn’t yet have a cure.  We’ve been at the start of finding a cure, and we plan to be cheering at the finish line when that cure is found.

By walking to show support for our dear friends and donating to help fund the research necessary to find a cure, we are actively involved in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s each year.  We are part of a retirement community who takes this commitment very seriously.  Our friends, neighbors, husbands, community staff  and local businesses help make this annual event successful.

We are committed to bringing love and laughter into the lives of our dear friends for as long as it takes until a cure is found.

When that happens, we will be there to celebrate but will always remember the years we faithfully participated in a walk that helped us reach that finish line.


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