Lady-Links: Treasures in Our Lives

Bookmarks 2What do you treasure in your life?  For Lady-Links, we treasure the friendships we have with our dear friends who are in cognitive decline.  We visit them on a weekly basis doing activities they enjoy.  With several of our dear friends, we have a double blessing of treasures.  The first,  as mentioned,  is the treasure of the friendship itself.  But the second is the “treasure” from our own lives that we share during our Show and Tell visits.  A collection of treasured bookmarks inspired conversation about the story behind each bookmark as well as a discussion about books that were meaningful in our lives.  We even reminisced about how we learned to read as children and some of the books from childhood that we enjoyed.

Bookmarks 1

Treasured jewelry is always a way to inspire memories and conversation.

Jewelry 4

Memories of special jewelry pieces throughout our lives were inspired by a collection of beautiful treasures that one of our Lady-Links shared.

Jewelry 3

Jewelry 1

Showing something we treasure at our Lady-Links Show and Tell visits is an effective way to engage our dear friends in conversation and shared memories.  It can be anything….and during the conversation that occurs, there will be something said that helps our dear friend “link” to a memory of her own.

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Rocks 1

Rock Roll 2

Show and Tell visits are great ways to engage our dear friends who have the ability to listen and respond.  Prior to visits using Show and Tell methods, we engage our dear friends in more active projects such as crafts.  We’ve learned that as our dear friends progress in their loss of abilities, we can always find a way to bring joy into their lives through our visits, and as a result we transition to Show and Tell.

Show and Tell jewelry 2

Show and Tell jewelry

We treasure our time with each dear friend and are thankful to be a part of their lives. As their needs change, so do our activities in order to continue to have meaningful, enjoyable visits with them.  Previously with this dear friend, we treasured our time of making crafts together.



Fall GC 1

Fall GC 6




Treasured time with friends.  That’s what Lady-Links is all about.  We treasure our time with each dear friend and are thankful to be a part of their lives.

Christmas 8

Lady-Links: Enriching Lives (including our own) through Love and Laughter

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