Lady-Links: Walking to End Alzheimer’s

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Lady-Links, their friends and family as well as some of our dear friends, participated in our community’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s.  It was an honor to be a part of this group to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and to help raise funds promoting research leading to a cure.  Our community raised over $30,000.

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We were in good spirits waiting for the walk to begin.

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We were off to a good start on a beautiful September day, walking around Bluebonnet Lake.

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After the walk, we had fun at the party celebrating all that we accomplished.

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It was a special time of visiting with dear friends and others in our community who joined together for this worthy cause.

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Lady-Links gave of their time, energy and resources to participate in this walk because “in this family, no one fights alone.”

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Lady-Links:  Linking Love


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