Lady-Links: Why Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Because even as women, we are “girls” at heart who know what’s important to us…  and it’s important to have fun!  Lady-Links make fun things happen at our visits with our dear friends who are in various stages of cognitive decline.  We believe that enjoying life as best we can (regardless of cognitive ability) adds meaning to each day and provides a lot of other benefits as well.  Having fun reduces stress, puts us in a better mood, gives us a boost, and promotes happy relationships.

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Lady-Links want to provide an enjoyable time filled with fun for our dear friends when we visit them.  We supply an atmosphere in which these two important concepts are easy to embrace:

  1. Happiness blooms from within rather than from our circumstances. (Remember, the circumstances surrounding a person losing their cognition can be rather discouraging, even frightening.)
  2. Living simply, laughing often and loving deeply provide hope and inspiration that can help prevent loneliness and despair.

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We can choose to find happiness regardless of circumstances, and we can choose to live our lives sharing love and laughter with others.  Just because a person is in cognitive decline or even diagnosed with some type of dementia such as Alzheimer’s, doesn’t mean that they can’t have enjoyable, meaningful relationships.  It just means that they may need a little help in finding those relationships and in remembering how to have fun.  That’s where Lady-Links step in! We can provide activities that engage our dear friends in laughing, loving, and finding happiness in spite of their circumstances, even if only for an hour.

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Fun celebrations such as birthdays help stir positive memories for our dear friends and provide a bit of frivolity at the same time.


Living with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia is a difficult assignment for both the one diagnosed as well as her family.  Choosing to participate in activities that are fun can help lessen anxiety and irritability and can help her feel connected.

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So whether it’s a “birth” day  or just a “plain” day, find ways to put fun into it and watch as everyone feels happier, laughs more often and loves more deeply than before. At our Lady-Links visits, we typically play games, make colorful crafts, sing songs, bake cookies and celebrate special events.  We even talk about things our mothers told us not to do that we did anyway (now that’s fun!).



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So…why do girls wanna have fun?  Ask the “girls” who are Lady-Links and they will tell you why….”It’s fun having fun!”

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