You know what question I’m going to ask you, don’t you? Of course you do, because you’ve heard it a thousand times before…how do you see the glass? Is it half-empty or half-full? The answer, we were told by our mothers and grandmothers, depends on how we look at life.
Would you believe that Martha Washington probably asked her children the same question? Well, maybe not the exact question about the glass, but perhaps something similar. Here’s a quote that’s been attributed to Martha and, as you read it, think about all the hardships she went through during the French and Indian War and the American Revolution, all while being a significant part of establishing a new country.
I’m not a qualified historian, but I do have my opinion that Martha would fall into the “half-full” camp. So, with Martha on my side, let the Lady-Links offer some advice to those with friends and loved ones who have Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia. Here’s how to make the most of any situation:
focus on what you can do…not on what you can’t.
It’s really the “half-full” approach. We look at things with a positive attitude. Not only do we know that the glass contains something, but there’s room to add more! And the more socialization we can add to the lives of our dear friends and loved ones, chances are the more they will engage in activities that are beneficial to them.
Here’s some ideas to keep that glass “full.”
Work on a craft together – Make sure your dear friend/loved one has a part which is easy to handle and place.
Sing or listen to music together – Make sure the songs are familiar to your dear friend/loved one.
Tell a story or read a short passage from a book – Focus on the main plot, keeping them engaged with questions like, “What do you think will happen next?”
Select something to show and tell about – Make it something that would interest your dear friend/loved one and is safe for them to touch and handle.
Play a game – Make it fun and simplify the rules as needed.
The Lady-Links believe that engaging our dear friends during our visits in something they enjoy makes a great difference in their mood and sense of well-being. We strive to make the best of every situation by finding things they can do and making adjustments as the disease progresses. I think Martha would have made a great addition to our Lady-Links team!