Dementia and Friends: Why Random Acts of Kindness Help

Random acts of kindness…I see those in our Lady-Links visits. A gentle hug, a smile, a patient response, and positive comments are some of the ways we express kindness to our dear friends with dementia.


Another way to be kind is to anticipate what is needed and provide assistance before it becomes necessary.  For example, with the crafts we make, we do the prep work so our dear friend can add a finishing touch, making the project complete.  She gets a feeling of accomplishment and success by doing her part which we make sure is something she will be able to easily do.


We use peel-and-stick materials representing familiar objects (such as flowers or rainbows) that are colorful and cheerful.  This promotes memories from long ago which we work into the conversation, helping our dear friends to remember special occasions or events that bring joy into their lives.


All of these acts of kindness are small, but together they add up to help provide an encouraging emotional uplift just when it’s needed.

TapeA simple act of kindness can go a long way towards making a friend or loved one with dementia feel valued and appreciated.  Why wait to be kind?  Start now and you’ll see results, plus you’ll feel good about it!  And that, we’ve found, means big smiles for everyone!



Dementia and Lady-Links: Lean on Me

Ever had to have a little help from a friend?

Lean on me Birdie

Most of us do need some help from time to time whether it’s emotional or physical help.  We may think we’re Super Woman . . .  and can do everything ourselves. Actually we’re not anywhere close to being Super Woman. No woman is, regardless of how mentally or physically healthy she is.


Recently,  I had the opportunity to go to a children’s event on a ranch in east Texas. There was a lot of walking up and down some rugged terrain, and I needed help along the way due to an injury from years ago that still limits my ankle’s range of motion.    I gladly accepted help from those with me and “leaned on” them when necessary.  The journey would have been very difficulty without that help.

That outing made me think of the song “Lean on Me” written by Bill Withers. After reviewing the lyrics, I thought about our dear friends with dementia. They are at a point in their lives in which very little makes sense.  They need friends they can lean on to “help them carry on.”

As Lady-Links, we are providing emotional support for them through our friendship visits.  In my life, I’ve found that dealing with emotional needs requires the greatest act of friendship possible because of the complications that are associated with one’s feelings.  With physical difficulties, the solution is obvious as it was with my struggles on the walking trail.  With emotions such as confusion and fear, the need and its resulting solution may not be so obvious.  Lady-Links are trained to recognize those areas of emotional concern and know how to respond with encouragement and compassion.

Music group holding chimes (2)
Lady-Links recognize in our dear friends, as the song says, ”a load that they can’t carry,” and assess the situation quickly and respond lovingly.    At our visits we are doing our best to help our dear friends “carry on” by providing “someone to lean on” and it’s working well.

Dementia and Lady-Links: Wishing or Working?

Do you remember going to the movie theater as a child?

Old Yeller

I do, and I enjoyed those Saturday matinees before life got complicated as a teenager!  Everything from Disney movies to the Lone Ranger brought me two hours of pleasure, first with my mom and then later with friends from my elementary school.  Movies entertained and inspired, but especially those which showed a major problem being solved by a hero or perhaps by a wish coming true.


Ahh, those were the days of childhood.  Songs like “When You Wish Upon a Star” from Disney’s Pinocchio made me feel like anything was possible, even turning a wooden puppet into a little boy.


If only it were that simple.  Lady-Links recognize that dementia brings with it a difficult and complicated time for our dear friends and their families.  That’s why we don’t sit home and wish there were something we could do to help.


We do something about it!  We work to find the best way to communicate, engage, and encourage our dear friends with dementia, and then we do just that at every visit we make.


Wishing, as a child, helped me to dream big.  I am thankful for those movies which helped provide that type of motivation.  But I’m even more thankful that as I grew up, my wishing became less and less and my ability to work for causes that were passionate to me became more and more.

Walk LL

Lady-Links are passionate about our work with each of our dear friends.  We are bringing joy into the lives of those we visit and hope into the lives of their families.  Not the hope that says we are the cure for this progressive neurological disease, but the hope that brings with it the assurance we can enrich our dear friends’ lives through love and laughter.

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Wishing or working?  Lady-Links have made their choice.

Dementia and Lady-Links: Life and Chocolates

“Life is like a box of chocolates. You just never know what you’re gonna get.”  Recognize that quote?  It’s from the movie, “Forrest Gump,” which is one of my favorites.

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That quote can be interpreted many different ways, and I think the movie did a great job of showing how Forrest Gump took each event in his life and made it something positive.  That being said, I looked at a box of assorted chocolates recently trying to make a decision about which one to select. I thought about what Forrest Gump’s mother said, and I didn’t want to fall into the category of relying on “chance” to get what I knew I wanted.  My hope was that I would get a piece that had a creamy center.  That’s when I realized that there were clues to what was inside each piece if I only knew where to look.


Have you done that? Looked for clues to help make a good choice?  The most obvious suggestion is to look on the bottom of the box or inside the lid where sometimes a diagram with a description of each piece is given.  Since there wasn’t a diagram with this particular box of candy, I needed to rely on my observations such as shapes and sizes of each individual piece.  I made the smart decision to avoid the bumpy pieces since they most likely were filled with nuts so I looked for a rounded piece without the lumps.

candy selection

In other words, a trained eye can make a reasonable choice which will likely result in the desired outcome (deliciousness!)

candy open (2)

As I savored the piece that I had successfully selected according to my individual preferences, I thought about Lady-Links.  As we visit our dear friends with dementia, someone who isn’t familiar with us might conclude that we can’t possibly know “what we’re gonna get.”  Yet, Lady-Links are discerning enough (through our training, our experiences and our temperaments) to make choices that will lead to a successful outcome.  There are certain signs or clues we look for, thus preventing the anxiety of the unknown.


We set the stage for a successful outcome by learning all we can about dementia and planning carefully for each visit.  We have planning meetings, called Link-ups, several times a year where we have training sessions, dementia education updates, discussions and feedback regarding our approach to friendship visits with the ladies in our community who have dementia.  Within reason, “we know what we’re gonna get” and since reason doesn’t always fall in the same sentence with dementia, we prepare for those situations as well.  As a result, Forrest Gump’s mama might have to amend her advice when talking with Lady-Links to something like this, “Life is like a box of chocolates.  You Lady-Links probably know what you’re gonna get.”


Friends enjoying coffee.

Lady-Links are “chocolate-candy-picking experts” who I know would have walked over to sit beside Forrest Gump as he sat alone on that bench waiting for a bus to arrive.  We would have engaged him in conversation, eaten some of the chocolates he offered, and encouraged him along his journey.  As Lady-Links, we open each “box of chocolates” with confidence every time we visit our dear friends, knowing that our choices will be the best possible ones given the situation we’re facing.

Don’t let visiting a friend or loved one with dementia or even picking out a piece of chocolate from a box of unknowns overwhelm you. Learn all that you can and make the decision to go for it.  Try it, you’ll like it!

candy eating




candy thumbs up

Dementia and Support Groups: Lady-Links Bring Friendship and Support to Every Visit

Lady-Links is a type of support group for ladies with dementia, bringing friendship and support to every visit.


Miriam-Webster defines a support group as “a group of people with common experiences and concerns who provide emotional and moral support for one another.” Many of our Lady-Links have or had a family member with dementia.  All of our Lady-Links have friends with dementia.


We offer the dear friends we visit encouragement and support because we have seen firsthand the concerns that any type of dementia brings on the person who has been diagnosed with it. We listen, we respond, and we smile.  We offer suggestions when help is needed, and we react with love, patience and kindness when doing it.


We know how to guide and empower our dear friends and how to offer them a sense of community. We let them know that their lives matter and have value. We help our dear friends find links to their past memories and pay attention when they connect.  We let them know that they are still the wonderful person they were before they were diagnosed, and our actions show that we value their friendship.

Birthday Music 2


On the surface our visits look like any visit to a friend would look.  What is not seen is all the training, planning and preparation that goes into each and every visit to make it provide “emotional and moral support” for our dear friend.

Link up 1



Elephant Puppet LL smiling

After all, that’s what good friends and support groups do…provide emotional and moral support. Lady-Links serve in both capacities and do so with love and laughter too!

Conga Line

Dementia and Change: How Lady-Links Can Help

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All of us face change, and if we’re honest, we usually just want to reach out and grab something to help stabilize us.  Change isn’t easy for anyone, but it can really be difficult when what you’re holding on to for support disappears.

Imagine what it must be like for a person who is given a diagnosis of dementia.  Their life, as they know it, will begin to change drastically with the known replaced by the unknown.

Helping Our Friend

This difficult journey can be made less difficult by friends and family who help them acknowledge the complexities of this change and offer help for what lies ahead. Knowing what kind of help to offer is important, and learning from those ahead of us on this journey helps.


When reading blogs and diaries written by those in the early stages of their dementia diagnosis, there is a pattern of concerns that seems to emerge.  They want to:

  • Stay Connected to Others,
  • Continue to Do the Things they Enjoy, and
  • Still Contribute Something Worthwhile to Life.

As Lady-Links, we plan our visits with those concerns in mind.  Our visits help our dear friends maintain connections to those things important to them. Connecting to others with activities they enjoy while helping them feel a sense of significance and value is a part of our visit strategy.


We can’t always control the changes we face but we can control the way we face those changes. Lady-Links visits help our dear friends enrich their lives by controlling at least one part of the week’s schedule by adding love and laughter through the bonds of friendship.


According to the families of our dear friends, our visits help soften the changes that dementia brings and, as Lady-Links, we’re thankful we can do that.

Dementia and Friends: How Lady-Links Embrace the Moment

What does the word “embrace” mean to you? For Lady-Links, we use both definitions that “embrace” suggest. We “support willingly and enthusiastically” the beliefs that our dear friends have, and we use meaningful touch such as a hug as “a sign of affection.”

In other words, we embrace our dear friends emotionally and physically.  Whether we’re playing scrabble, card games, making a craft,  playing the hand chimes or singing along to recorded music we do it “willingly and enthusiastically.”


The interesting thing is that although we made a deliberate effort during the first couple of visits to embrace (support) whatever activity that engaged our dear friend, we have found that we developed a true passion for what we are doing.  As a result of truly enjoying embracing (supporting) what is meaningful to our dear friends, the embraces (signs of affection) are real and spontaneous.


Hugs, arms around shoulders, holding hands and stroking arms all come naturally as they would with any friend with whom we’ve formed a bond.

We’ve learned to embrace the present moment because that’s where our dear friends live.  So whatever form of the definition you choose, embrace your dear friend or loved one and you’ll find it brings joy to you both.


Dementia and Lady-Links: Three Ways to Engage the Dear Friends We Visit

When visiting our dear friends with dementia, we’ve found that engaging a person is easier when there is something on which to focus her attention. There are three broad categories which work well:  Shared Interests, Shared Experiences, and Shared Celebrations.

dog napping

Dog with friend

Our Show and Tell visits are very successful in getting the dear friend to connect to a particular topic and even to add to the conversation.

Shared Interests

We’ve used objects such as pets, pottery, jewelry, pictures, collectibles, decorative items, art works and even things from our gardens as props.   The same is true with the crafts that we make.


These items inspire comments about what they are, how they are used and why they are special.

Shared Experiences

Lady-Links are trained to relate many of the visits to memories from their childhood experiences, which in turn spark a memory for our dear friends.


Inspecting an antique box of tatting with a shuttle made of ivory.

Inspecting an antique box of tatting with a shuttle made of ivory.

Shared Celebrations

Everyone has a birthday, so celebrating the birthdays of our dear friend is a great way to connect.



Holidays provide opportunities for special activities, refreshments, and decorations.

 Ready for the Mardi Gras party wearing the accessories they made.

Ready for the Mardi Gras party wearing the accessories they made.

Easter Egg Baskets that were given away.

Easter Egg Baskets that were given away.

Conversation, even a few words, is treasured when shared by a dear friend.  We’ve seen links formed between the present day and the past resulting in delightful discussions.  We recognize that the dialogue might be short but it stimulates cognitive and emotional function and helps keep the brain active.


Lady-Links visits are designed to help our dear friends maintain links to keep them mentally involved and emotionally secure while enriching their lives with love and laughter.

Dementia and Lady-Links: Taking One Step at a Time

Want to get something done?  It won’t get accomplished unless you take that first step.  Empty shoes aren’t going to move by themselves. (That’s a very loose interpretation of Newton’s First Law of Motion!)


Taking one step, even a small step, in the right direction can be the beginning of something amazing.

Walk on path (2)

Sometimes that first step can be the hardest.  It takes courage to begin something new, especially if you’re not really sure if what you’re doing will work or not. That’s how it is in visiting a friend or loved one with dementia.   Each of our Lady-Links had to make a first visit, without knowing exactly what would happen.


As we share among ourselves every few months about what we’ve learned from our visits, there has never been one Lady-Link who regrets taking that first step.

Christmas Party 3

I know we all remember one of the most famous quotes in history about “one small step for man leading to a giant leap for mankind” (Neil Armstrong).  Lady-Links have found that taking that first step has resulted in giant leaps toward establishing treasured friendships.


Not exactly a moon walk, but investing in the lives of others is one of the best things on earth that we can do!

Dementia and Valentines: Celebrating Friendships

Elizabeth Barrett Browning wrote about it, we’re told that it’s what makes the world go round, it’s the meaning behind the name of the city of Philadelphia, and it’s found in our Lady-Links slogan. What is “it?” Of course everyone knows, the answer is love.


The Lady-Links celebrate friendship in a special way each year with a Valentine’s Party.  During the party we involve our dear friends with dementia in making valentines to give to others in our community.  This has been our tradition for years and there are benefits for everyone.  Our dear friends feel that they are able to still contribute to the happiness of others and those who receive our valentines truly appreciate that someone remembered them on such a special day.


Lady-Links express friendship love at each of our visits by treating our dear friends who have dementia with value and endearment.  Lady-Links personify the biblical commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself” as we link love, laughter and life throughout our interactions with our dear friends and their families. For us, Valentine’s Day is year-round but we are delighted to celebrate it in a special way each February.

Enjoy pictures from our Valentine Party showing how the Lady-Links share a special bond of friendship love.





















And for the dear friends who couldn’t make it to the party, we delivered their valentines to them.




With Lady-Links, there’s plenty of love to last a lifetime!